Top 50 Contributor Posts of 2021
Justin Hendrix / Dec 22, 2021Tech Policy Press is assembling a collective of activists, academics and experts to bring new voices and fresh scrutiny to the debate on a range of interconnected issues between technology, policy, power and people.
In 2021, Tech Policy Press hosted 330 posts from 120 guest contributors, many contributing multiple posts. We are grateful for the effort of so many individuals to share ideas and participate in building this platform.
From Facebook's ongoing crises to AI policy, from police use of technology to the prospects for privacy legislation, from the security of IoT devices to censorship in Kashmir and Sri Lanka, from January 6 and the deplatforming of Donald Trump to the tech bro-led space race, Tech Policy Press contributors advanced our understanding of the issues, ideas and arguments that were at the fore in 2021. Learn more about how to contribute in 2022.
Here is our pick of 50 exemplary contributions on key themes throughout the year:
1. Five Big Problems with Canada's Proposed Regulatory Framework for Harmful Content Online - Daphne Keller
2. Disclosures of NYPD Surveillance Technologies Raise More Questions Than Answers - with Joël Carter
3. Facebook Patent Shows You How You May Be Exploited in the Metaverse - Elinor Carmi
4. Follow the Money: To Rein in Big Tech, Lawmakers Are Right to Focus on Business Models - Ellery Roberts Biddle
5. Fake News, Meet Fake Censorship - Matt Bailey
6. To Make Good Policy on AI, Talk to Social Workers - Desmond Patton, Shana Kleiner & Siva Mathiyazhagan
7. Enrollment Algorithms Are Contributing to the Crises of Higher Education - Alex Engler
8. The Skills Gap in Tech that No One Is Talking About - Mai Sistla
9. Emails Between NYPD and Clearview AI Obtained by FOIL Prompt Questions - with Joël Carter
10. It's Not You Juan, It's Me: How Facebook Takes Over Our Experience - Elinor Carmi
11. Silicon Valley Must Not Silence Kashmir - Ifat Gazia
12. Facebook Is An Ad Tech Company: That's How We Should Regulate It - Nathalie Maréchal
13. Online Wormholes: How Scientific Publishing is Weaponized To Fuel Covid-19 Misinformation - Adi Cohen
14. Social Media Platforms Are Silencing Social Movements - Thusiyan Nandakumar & Amarnath Amarasingam
15. Now What: Fixing Facebook to Protect Us All - Nora Benavidez & Carmen Scurato
16. On the Deplatforming of a Bully In Chief - Sarah T. Roberts
17. Space Cowboys: What Internet History Tells Us About the Inevitable Shortcomings of A Tech Bro Led Space Race - Corinne Cath & Becca Lewis
18. Questions Congress Should Ask the Tech CEOs on Disinformation and Extremism - with Yaël Eisenstat
19. Taking Actions on Dark Patterns - with Caroline Sinders
20. The Need for Race Conscious Tech Policies To Protect Civic Life - Daniel Kreiss, Bridget Barrett & Madhavi Reddi
21. A Post-Mortem on State Privacy Legislation - Joseph Jerome
22. The Internet Beyond Social Media Thought Robber Barons - Richard Reisman
23. Access to Technology in the American Carceral State - Benj Azose
24. Human In the Loop Systems Are No Panacea for AI Accountability - Austin Clyde
25. To Mitigate Disinformation, Think Global And Act Local - Shane Creevy
26. At Democracy Summit, Governments Must Commit To A Tech Policy Agenda Grounded in Human Rights - Alexandra Reeve Givens
27. Google Fiber And Why Monopolies Suck - Samara Trilling
28. Scholars Reckon With Democracy and Social Media - Richard Reisman
29. Why the Instapinions on Finstagate? - José Marichal
30. Against Social Media Moralism - Rachel Griffin
31. Google, Privacy and FLOC: Lamb, or Wolf in Sheep's Clothing? - Gabriel Nicholas
32. Facebook is eager to be the arbiter of truth about itself. The NYU Ad Observer Ban shows us why. - David Carroll
33. The Facebook Oversight Board Is Making Good Decisions, But Does It Matter? - Jillian C. York & Dia Kayyali
34. US Tech Firms Looked the Other Way As Taliban Gained Power - Courtney Radsch
35. Facebook Oversight Board’s haphazard ruling validates need for public social media alternative - Jordan Guiao
36. Twitter's Newsworthiness Standard: What Is It? - Ellen P. Goodman
37. Journalists are exposing Facebook’s problems. We’ll need academics to solve them. - Joe Bak-Coleman
38. To Rein in Big Tech, Focus on Privacy, Antitrust and Real Harms to People - Sara Collins
39. An American In Paris Reflects on Vaccine Passport Apps - Albert Fox Cahn
40. The Federal Government Can Act Now on the Facebook Whistleblower’s Revelations - Karen Kornbluh & Renée DiResta
41. Recommendations to End Virtual Stop and Frisk Policing on Social Media - Kelly Anguiano, Eno Darkwa & Desmond Patton
42. How Secure Is a Smart Baby Monitor? Finding Out Is Far Too Difficult - Nat Meysenburg
43. Facebook's Only Logic Is Its Own Power - Justin Sherman
44. New Technology May Bridge Privacy Debate On Encrypted Messaging - Yiqing Hua
45. Vaccines and the Mediation of Consent - Renée DiResta
46. Deciphering the Encryption Debate - Sofia Lesmes & Kathryn Waldron
47. Fact-Checking Facebook’s Latest Disinformation Campaign - Imran Ahmed
48. 21st Century Snake Oil: The Consequences of Unregulated, Unproven AI - Sara Collins
49. Meta Fires a Warning Shot Against Police Surveillance, But It Must Do More - Rachel Levinson-Waldman & Mary Pat Dwyer
50. Portable Social Media Aren't Like Portable Phone Numbers - Gus Horwitz
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This is not a comprehensive list of guest contributions this year! Sign up for the Tech Policy Press newsletter to receive updates from us in the New Year.