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Vermont Data Privacy Act - H.121

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The bipartisan legislation, sponsored by Republican Rep. Michael Marcotte, includes a private right of action and a minimum duty of care for minors. It also limits the amount of personal data companies can collect on consumers. The final legislation included a pared-back version of Vermont’s proposed Age Appropriate Design Code (S. 289), making Vermont the third state to pass some version of this legislation.


May 10, 2024. The state legislature passes "an Act relating to enhancing consumer privacy and the age-appropriate design code." It now awaits a signature from Gov. Phil Scott.

June 13, 2024. The Governor vetoed the bill.

June 17, 2024. The House votes 128 to 17 to override the Governor's veto. The Senate vote fails, with 14 yeas and 15 nays.

Further reading