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United States v. Apple Inc.

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The Department of Justice and state attorney generals from 16 states filed a civil antitrust lawsuit against Apple for monopolization or attempted monopolization of smartphone markets in violation of Section 2 of the Sherman Act.

The complaint alleges that Apple illegally maintains a monopoly over smartphones by selectively imposing contractual restrictions on developers and withholding critical access points. Apple undermines apps, products, and services that would otherwise make users less reliant on the iPhone, promote interoperability, and lower costs for consumers and developers.

Apple further exercises its monopoly power to extract more money from consumers, developers, content creators, artists, publishers, small businesses, and merchants, among others. Through this monopolization lawsuit, the Justice Department and state Attorneys General are seeking relief to restore competition to these vital markets on behalf of the American public.


March 21, 2024. Fourteen conservative organizations and individuals submit a letter to the Department of Justice in support of the antitrust lawsuit, emphasizing Apple's economic ties to the Chinese government.

Further reading