

Tracker Detail

AI Development Practices Act of 2024 - H.R.9466

Date Initiated
Last Updated


The bill would amend the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act to direct the NIST to catalog emerging practices and norms for communicating certain characteristics of AI related to transparency, safety, and usability. NIST would be responsible for creating voluntary guidelines related to the development, release, and assessment of AI. This would include defining guidelines for developing risk tolerance for various use cases, listing norms for communicating relevant AI characteristics (i.e., documentation of training data sets used, model development stages, and collaboration approaches,) and providing recommendations for how to utilize the guidelines.

These guidelines would be developed based on international standards and industry best practices, as well as collaboration with the public, industry, and academic entities. They cannot require the use of specific information or communications technology products or services, nor can they make the use of these guidelines compulsory.


September 11, 2024. Ordered to be Reported (Amended) by Voice Vote.

Further reading