Rafael Zanatta

Rafael Zanatta is the Co-director of Data Privacy Brasil. He is a postdoctoral researcher at the Law School of the University of São Paulo (USP). He holds a PhD from the Institute of Energy and Environment of USP, with training at the Institute of Information Law of the University of Amsterdam. He has a Master's degree in Law and Political Economy from the University of Turin. He has a Master's degree in Philosophy and General Theory of Law from the Law School of USP. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Law from the State University of Maringá. He was a member of the Vulnera group at the Free University of Brussels and was a visiting researcher on platforms and digital economy at The New School. He edited the books Sharing Economies and Law (Juruá, 2017) and Data, Digital Markets and Competition (Casa do Direito, 2022). He is the author of “Collective Protection of Personal Data in Brazil: Vectors of Interpretation” (Letramento, 2023).