Nina Santos

Nina Santos is the director of Aláfia Lab, general coordinator of *desinformante and a researcher at the National Institute of Science and Technology for Digital Democracy (INCT.DD) and at the Centre d'Analyse et de Recherche Interdisciplinaires sur les Médias (Université Panthéon-Assas). She is a member of the International Panel on the Information Environment, of the steering committee of the Global Coalition for Tech Justice and of the Committee on Digital Integrity and Transparency on Internet Platforms of the Brazilian Superior Electoral Court. She is also a professor on the postgraduate course in Digital Communication Strategies at FGV and the master's course in communication, information systems and media at Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle and author of the book "Social media logics: Visibility and mediation in the 2013 Brazilian protests" (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022). Nina was also a member of the working group for the regulation of the National Prosecutor's Office for the Defense of Democracy (2023), of the General Attorney's Office, and of the working group for strategies to combat hate speech and extremism (2023), of the Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship.