Jonathan Heawood

Jonathan Heawood is Executive Director of the Public Interest News Foundation, the UK’s first specialist journalism foundation. He began his career as a journalist at the Observer and went on to spend seven years as Director of English PEN. He served as Director of Programmes at the Sigrid Rausing Trust, one of Europe’s largest human rights foundations, and founded the independent press regulator IMPRESS: The Independent Monitor for the Press. Jonathan has written for publications including the Telegraph, Independent, Guardian, London Review of Books, Prospect, New Statesman, Critical Quarterly, Journal of Media Law and the British Journalism Review. He has given evidence to several Parliamentary Inquiries and is regularly invited to speak at conferences in the UK and internationally. He is a Leadership Fellow at St George’s House, Windsor, and Chair of the Stephen Spender Trust. His first book, The Press Freedom Myth, was published in 2019.