Erica Olsen

Erica Olsen is the Safety Net Project Senior Director at the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV). Since joining the NNEDV in 2007, Erica has advocated on behalf of survivors of gender-based violence by educating victim service providers, policymakers, and technology companies on issues of technology abuse, privacy, and victim safety. She has provided trainings to technologists, attorneys, law enforcement officials, victim advocates, and other practitioners in the United States and internationally. Through the Safety Net Project, Erica works with private industry, state, and federal agencies and international groups to improve safety and privacy for victims in this digital age. She regularly provides consultation to leading technology companies on the potential impact of technology design and reporting procedures on survivors of abuse. She also provides technical assistance on technology safety to professionals working with survivors. Erica’s prior work at the New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence included writing curriculum and training statewide on a project focusing on the intersection of domestic violence and disabilities. Erica has a Masters in Social Work from SUNY Albany and a Certificate in Non-Profit Management from the Center for Women in Civil Society.