Christina Catenacci

Christina Catenacci, BA, LLB, LLM, PhD, was called to the Ontario Bar in 2002 and has since been a member of the Law Society of Ontario. Christina worked as an editor with First Reference between 2005 and 2015 working on publications including The Human Resources Advisor (Ontario, Western and Atlantic editions), HRinfodesk, and First Reference Talks blog discussing topics in Canadian Employment Law. She continues to contribute to First Reference Talks as a regular guest blogger, where she writes on privacy and surveillance topics. Christina has also appeared in the International Association of Privacy Professionals’ Privacy Advisor and in Slaw - Canada's online legal magazine. Christina obtained her Masters in Law from Osgoode Hall Law School of York University in 2013, and recently earned her PhD in Law at the University of Western Ontario in 2020 in the area of Privacy and Employment Law. More specifically, Christina’s PhD dissertation proposed closing the electronic surveillance gap with novel legislative data protection provisions in a new workplace privacy regime by modifying the federal privacy law, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).